Welcome to "Your Secret Hideout"

Interested in getting your own secret hideout? I presume so because you clicked the wanted poster.

We can help you. We can make sure that you have your own off-the-grid ranch in the western states but that no one knows you have it. (We'll tell you how we do it when we can communicate one-to-one). This website is not for the casual web-user. It is for the serious folks who want to go off-the-grid. Before we can go any further, you need to get things started.

Here is what you have to do to get things going:
1. Go to an internet cafe and log on to one of those anonymous email services (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc.) and get an account. We do not want you to use your regular account as it can be tracked to you and we don't want that.
2. Using that new email address, send me an email at docATyoursecrethideout.com (replacing the AT with the appropriate symbol) telling me you are interested in the "Secret Hideout" program. Tell me the user name you'd like to have. At the same time, you can tell me if you have a state preference. Within 72 hours, I will send you a return email with instructions on how to access a new email account (it'll be your user name AT yoursecrethideout.com). We will communicate using that email address that is yours to keep and use free of charge as long as you remain a client of ours. That email will also give you the links to the rest of our website.
3. Explore the website and be ready to discuss your ideas and together we can begin to create "your Secret Hideout."

Note: We are not advocating the commission of any crime nor are we offering to harbor a fugitive. If any law enforcement agency requests identity information regarding our clients, that information WILL be provided to them.